Home » Nandi Hills in Bangalore: History, Location, Tourist Places, [2024] 

Nandi Hills in Bangalore: History, Location, Tourist Places, [2024] 

Introduction: Nandi Hills in Bangalore, India

Bangalore is one of the top 10 places to visit in India. Do you want to explore the breathtaking climate in Bangalore? If your answer is yes, then this article is for you. Nandi Hills in Bangalore is a fantastic place to visit and explore. It is about 60 kilometers away from the city. It is one of the most popular places in Bangalore and will attract local and international visitors in 2024.  

Nandi Hills, also known as Nandidurg or Nandi Betta, has great historical significance. They are one of the most adventurous places in India and a haven for adventure seekers. The Hills offer unique activities such as trekking, paragliding, and cycling, making them perfect for thrill-seekers. The Nandi Hills are also home to flora and fauna, making them a paradise for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts.

In this article, we’ll discuss the history, Location, Tourist Places, Best Time to visit, beginner tips to follow there, and rules for beginners for visitors. But still, If you’re looking for a peaceful destination or adventure place, this place is for you. Nandi Hills has something special for everyone, whether you’re local or International. 

History of Nandi Hills

The story of Nandi Hills is a fantastic experience. It wasn’t completed at once. The story starts in the 9th century when the Chola dynasty used Nandi Hills as a summer retreat. Later, the region was ruled by the Ganga and Hoysala dynasties, who contributed to its cultural and architectural heritage.

nandi hills

It is the start of the story. Are you bored? Now, the part of the story is exciting. So, let’s begin. In the late 18th century, Tipu Sultan (Ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore) understood the Andi Hills’ importance. He built a summer palace and a fort. The fort, known as Nandidurga, served as a military base and a retreat. The remains of this fort still stand today, offering a glimpse into the past.   

Stop, stop! The story doesn’t end yet. After this, the British colonial period began, during which Nandi Hills became a popular summer retreat. They Updated Nandi Hills by adding colonial-style bungalows and gardens. The beauty of these updates, combined with the natural beauty of the hills, made Nandi Hills a favorite escape from the heat of the plains.

Sotry is end? Yes, of course. Nandi Hills has become a beloved destination for its stunning views, pleasant climate, and historical landmarks. It is one of the best places to visit in Bangalore in 2024 for visitors and History lovers. Visitors can explore ancient temples, walk through the remnants of Tipu Sultan’s fort, and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Nandi Hills offers a unique blend of natural beauty and historical significance, making it a must-visit for anyone interested in the rich heritage of Karnataka.

Location of Nandi Hills in Bangalore

Are they looking for a location in Nandi Hills? Don’t worry. Nandi Hills are about 60 kilometers (37 miles) from Bangalore, Karnataka. The hills are easily accessible by road, so they attract visitors worldwide. They are perched at about 1,478 meters (4,849 feet) above sea level, offering stunning views of the surrounding area. 

Tourist Places in Nandi Hills

There are many places to visit in Nandi Hills in Bangalore in 2024. But still, in this short guide, we’ll discuss only the top 5. This brief guide will help you to explore and enjoy the Nandi Hills and make your trip memorable. Each tourist place offers a unique experience, making Nandi Hills a flexible destination for history buffs, nature lovers, and adventure seekers alike. 

Tipu Sultan’s Summer Palace

Tipu Sultan’s Summer Palace, also known as Tipu’s Drop, is the best place to visit in Nandi Hills in 2024. It is a historic site located above Nandi Hills near Bangalore. As discussed above, this palace served as a summer retreat for Tipu Sultan in the 18th century. This is amazing for a visit; why? The palace offers stunning, expansive views of the surrounding landscape and features intricate Islamic architecture with beautiful arches, carvings, and elegant balconies.

Nandi Hill Fort

Another tourist attraction in Nandi Hills is Nandi Hill Fort. It is situated at the summit of Nandi Hills, a historical marvel that offers a glimpse into the region’s rich past. As we discussed above, Nandi Hills has something for everyone. Visitors can explore its ramparts and gateways, which offer extensive views of the picturesque landscape below. It doesn’t stop here; its architecture reflects Islamic and Dravidian styles, with intricate carvings and designs that add to its charm. 

Yoga Nandeeshwara Temple

Finally, visit a temple for worshipers in Nandi Hills. This temple is located at the base of Nandi Hills and is over a thousand years old. Was she thinking, “What did you get there?” The serene surroundings of the temple, surrounded by lush greenery and hills, create a peaceful atmosphere for spiritual contemplation. If you’re planning a trip to Nandi Hills, never forget to explore religious festivals and ceremonies, which attract many devotees. 

Nandi Hill Caves

Nandi Hill Caves (Brahmashram) is located in the Nandi Hills in Bangalore. This is another place to visit in Nandi Hills in 2024. It offers excellent, dark interiors, and one can imagine the historical and spiritual activities that once occurred there. This place is for everyone. Whether you are interested in history and spirituality or enjoying the area’s natural beauty, the Nandi Hill Caves provide a unique and enriching experience.

Amruth Sarovar

Amruth Sarovar, the Lake of Nectar, is last on our list. It is in the heart of Nandi Hills in Bangalore, surrounded by lush green trees and hills. This lake is fed by natural springs and is known for its crystal-clear waters. It is also the best place for picnics because its tranquil environment around Amruth Sarovar makes it a popular spot for picnics, leisurely walks, and photography.

Best Time to Visit in Nandi Hills

Wait, wait! Don’t plan your trip before knowing the Best Time to visit Nandi Hills in Bangalore in 2024. If you’re planning your summer trip, the Best Time to visit Nandi Hills is from October to March. Why? During these months, the weather is cool and pleasant, with temperatures between 10°C and 25°C, making it ideal for outdoor activities like trekking, cycling, and sightseeing. 

Why did I choose this Time to visit? Because the monsoon season, which starts from June to September, brings heavy rainfall, refreshing the landscape and enhancing the natural beauty of the hills. So, why are you waiting? Pack your bags, plan your tour, and start your historical and adventurous place to visit. 

Stop. If you are a beginner, you should never miss out on the top 10 tips and rules you should follow there. These can make your trip or Tour memorable and happy. 

Here is the list of the top 10 tips you should follow there:
  1. If you want to explore the Nandi Hills, plan your timing in the early morning. This will help avoid crowds and catch the stunning sunrise.
  2. Comfortable walking shoes are a must, especially if you plan to trek extensively or explore the hills.
  3. Carry enough water, especially during the summer months. Staying hydrated is compulsory while exploring the hills.
  4. While there are a few eateries around, having some snacks on hand can be helpful, especially if you’re hiking or spending a lot of time outdoors.
  5. The scenic beauty of Nandi Hills is perfect for photography. Don’t forget to bring your camera or smartphone to capture your memories and stunning landscapes.
  6. Keep the environment clean by not littering. Carry a small bag to collect your trash and dispose of it properly.
  7. While exploring natural areas, respect the local wildlife. Avoid feeding animals and maintain a safe distance.
  8. Visit Tipu Sultan’s Summer Palace, Nandi Hill Fort, and the Yoga Nandeeshwara Temple.
  9. Don’t forget to have a valid ID with you. This is particularly important if you’re staying overnight or if there are any security checks.
  10. Some attractions, like certain temples or specific viewpoints, may have entry fees. Carry cash for these expenses, as digital payments might only be accepted in some places.

Here are the list of the Top 10 rules to follow there: 

  1. Avoid creating new paths or disturbing the vegetation. This helps protect the ecosystem and ensures your safety.
  2. Park your vehicle only in designated areas to avoid fines and ensure safety.
  3. Do not feed or disturb wildlife. Maintain a safe distance from any animals you encounter.
  4. Be mindful of other visitors when taking photos. Avoid blocking paths or creating obstructions.
  5. Carry a basic first aid kit and know the location of emergency services or help points.
  6. Respect the local culture and traditions. If you plan to visit temples or religious sites, dress modestly and follow any specific guidelines.
  7. Avoid consuming alcohol during your visit to maintain safety and respect the environment.
  8. Carry water and light snacks, especially if you plan on trekking or spending a long time exploring.
  9. Check the weather forecast and opening hours before visiting to avoid inconvenience.
  10. Be cautious near cliff edges and steep areas. Do not attempt risky climbs or ventures off the beaten path.

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