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Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Traveling Guider!

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Our Terms and Conditions: We assume you agree to these terms and conditions by visiting this page. If you disagree with accepting all the terms and conditions expressed on this page, do not keep using Travelling Guider.

Traveling guider terms and condition


We make use of cookies. Accessing Travelling Guider commits you to use cookies in line with the privacy policy of Travelling Guider.

Cookies are mostly used on interactive websites to enable us to access the user’s information on every visit. Cookies are also used by several of our affiliates and advertisers.


Travelling Guider and its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all content unless otherwise stated. Intellectual property rights are all reserved. Subject to the limitations set in these terms and conditions, you may access this travel Travelling Guide for personal use.

You have not:

  • Share Travelling Guider’s materials again.
  • Sell, lease, or sub-license Travelling Guider materials.
  • Reproduce, copy, or duplicate Travelling Guider material
  • Sort Travelling Guide’s materials.

Travelling Guider reserves the right to review all comments and remove any deemed unsuitable, offensive, or violating of these Terms and Conditions.

You owe and stand for:

There is no defamatory, libelous, offensive, indecent, or otherwise illegal material in the comments that invades privacy.

Neither business nor custom or present commercial activity nor illegal activity will be sought for or supported using the Comments.

We could give other link requests from the following kinds of companies some thought and approval:

  • Generally well-known consumer and business information sources;
  • dot.com community websites;
  • Affiliations or other organizations standing for charity;
  • Distributed online directories;
  • Internet portals;
  • Accounting, legal, consulting, and financial firms; also
  • Trade alliances and educational institutions.
  • Travel-Based Websites (Recommended)

Please contact us if you are one of the companies mentioned above and would like to link to our website. Kindly include your name and phone number. We will get right on contacting you.

Approved companies may link to our Website as follows:

  • With reference to our company name,
  • With reference to the linked uniform resource locator,

Use any other logical description of our website within the framework and content on the linked party’s website context and format.

Linking without a trademark license agreement will not allow using Travelling Guider’s logo or other artwork.


You might not create frames around our web pages that change in any manner the visual presentation or look of our Website without prior approval and written permission.

Contextual Responsibility

We will not be liable for any material on your website. You consent to defend and guard us against all claims sprouting on your website. Any website that could be taken as libelous, obscene, criminal, or which infringes, otherwise violates, or advocates the infringement or other violation should not show any links whatsoever.

Reserved of Rights

We reserve the right to ask you to delete any specific link or all links to our Website. You agree to instantly cut all links to our website at demand. We also reserve our right to change these terms and conditions and their linking policy at any moment. You consent to be bound by and follow these linking terms and conditions by regularly linking to our Website.

Elimination of links on our website

You are free to contact us and let us know at any moment if you come across any link on our website that offends you for any reason. We will consider requests to remove links, but we are not obligated to personally respond to you.


We earn money using ads. Google AdSense and other ad networks are running ads on our website.

Note of caution

To the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, we disclaim all representations, warranties, and conditions relating to our website and the use of this website. Nothing found in this disclaimer will:

  • limit or exclude our or your personal injury or death liability;
  • limit or exclude our or your responsibility for dishonest representation or fraud;
  • limit any of our or your liabilities in any way that is against the law or
  • exclude any of our or your liabilities, which might not be excluded according to relevant legislation.

The restrictions and exclusions of liability set out in this section and other parts of this disclaimer (a) are subject to the paragraph before this one and (b) apply to all claims made under this disclaimer, whether in tort, contract, or breach of statutory duty.

We shall not be liable for any kind of loss or damage as long as the website and the information and services it offers are given for free.

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